Trending pages Sam Baas Brian Knight Kyle Pred Domenic Toretti Tessa Lamb Carmine Costello Aaron Byson Flop Dugong A. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Police Category page. The Major Crimes Division is led by Vacant. The Recycling Cartel is an organization created by Jean Paul to monopolize the entire Recyclable market. Samantha Maxis is a Character played by Aussie_Prick Samantha Maxis is a Young Australian and Resides in Green County, She has black hair with white highlights, She heavily relies on others to help keep her focused due to an incredibly short attention span. Appointed as Senior Doctor in NHS Coventry, UK till 2018. Legion are a gang that hold claim to the Crown Motel by Burgershot, and Tier 2 Apartments. Lou Kinfa Crooks is the Chief Of Police for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #432. All of GG's members & associates. Snow is widely regarded as. She did not know where she belonged. Goon Squad. Jean Paul is who runs the The Grinders Central, usually starting the day with a twatt calling for Grinders. Played By: YouKilled. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. It contains custom scripts created by Koil, and community developers. Victoria Secret is a new citizen of Green County as a refugee transplant from the final tsunami of Orange County. The Team currently consists of Chris, Mustard, Bear and Hingle. Gulag Gang, also known as "GG", is a group formed by Jean Paul with his old city friends Mickey S (Up Good Michael), Randy Bullet (Roundy Buffet), Mari Posa (Maria Poser) as well as Curtis Swoleroid, Taco Prince, and Ming Jingtai after being deported from the main city to do criminal activities, heists, shootouts and taking over the city. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Legion are involved within the meth and weed businesses, and hold the NA meth runs. THE ORIGINS OF GULAG GANG The era of prisoners sent to a familiar place where there only are only a handful of recognizable friends from long ago and a swarm of unknown people ready to disrupt or help these unfortunate prisoners. Unlike the Joint Task Force, the detectives of the Major. Category:Gang Leaders. Frank Williams is a character role-played by Stoner_Minded. Bowl Cut Gang are a group of individuals that can be identified by their similarly cut hair. NoPixel Public Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Welcome to NoPixel's official Tebex store! Here you can purchase various packages for our public server (s). The server is run on the third-party multiplayer server system, FiveM. She is looking forward to become a successful business owner and as to be known as a good driver throughout the city. Travis Pinkerton, also known online as TJ Pinkerton, is a Canadian Twitch streamer and YouTuber from Vancouver, Canada. EMS works closely with doctors, the Los Santos Police Department, the Blaine County Sheriff's Office and the San Andreas State Police to ensure the safety and well. Fandom Muthead Futhead Fanatical Follow Us. This is in reference to the lack of paperwork he does. Fights were her outlet and. Helpful Resources Official website: List of streamers who play on NoPixel (including live): NoPixel Community Wiki (info on characters): What do I need to know as a viewer? Can I tell the players X/Y/Z information? Overview Members History Streams Gulag Gang Specifics Status Active Date Formed June 8, 2021 (Public) October 26, 2021 (Whitelist) Affiliations Public Server Equivalent Gulag Gang Primary Location Strawberry Ave Gas Station ( X-Mart) Gulag St Apartments Faction Association (s) O Block VCB Business Affiliations Gulag Enterprises X-Mart itzburtoo 1 NoPixel Green ogbazza 1 🟩 Bazza Buttsworth 🟩 Nopixel Public Green 🟩 Get In Here Asap 🟩 (R18+) UltimateChaos_ 1 | Isabelle May | HOA Hangaround | NoPixel Public Green | ElfieAlliiee 4 ⭐ Perry family chaos? ⭐ Autumn Perry, has no idea what's going on! ⭐ GTA RP ⭐ No pixel Green ⭐ YellowbearBeats 4 Category:Gang Leaders. One of the walls inside the clubhouse features photographs of. Jean Paul otherwise known as X is a criminal mastermind & a serial bank robber, after being deported from another city, arrived to a new city which gave him the opportunity to have a fresh start. Scuffed Chang Gang a gang that originated from workers at the Mirror Park LTD Gas Station. She learned to work her magic in. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. During his wait Billy Billington. NoPixel Public Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This is also the block that the Witch's Den Cafe is built on. Gallery. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Ghost Pepper MC. The Sinister Souls MC is a 1% Motorcycle Club that used to operate out of Davis Avenue and the entirety of Mirror Park as their two territories, while commonly use the old Lost Compound as a Hangout/Meeting spot. Andi Jones Farmers Market is a farmers' market located between Paleto Boulevard and Great Ocean Highway in Paleto Bay, Blaine County. He got his first taste of Los Santos. Maldini's Pizzeria offers pizza and genuine Italian cuisine to the citizens of Los Santos. Tut Orial Bot is a character role-played by Onesweetpea Tut Orial first entered the city on June 5th 2021. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. 💀. Daisy May is a character role-played by kichiigo_ . K9 is a certification given to Senior Officers/Deputies and above within the San Andreas State Police, the Los Santos Police Department, and the Blaine County Sheriff's Office. Jackie Snow is a character role-played by uhSnow. Strengths: Drugs Weaknesses: everything else Was part of Cult"Don't be a meanie, eat at Maldini's!" ― motto. Nopixel RP - Soon To Be FTO - Brandon "Copf**k* Haley - LSPD #420. played by Sharaadrick. The idea of role-play is to talk, act, and proceed as the character you are playing. < Venus Fly Traps. Patched and prospected members are often seen wearing denim jackets and vests in blue, black, white or red with small patches on the front and sleeves and a large. NovaPro81. The Meth team started after X told Marty to bring 2 employees he trusts to the new lab they found to cook meth. He eventually met a man named Dragon Rush which gave him a job at his business Dragon's Den at the Farmers Market. While. Goon School. Coming from a long line of gangsters and mobsters, Casper's grandfather, Jamie Shelby, ran the. The Bondi Boys Motor Club (BBMC) or Bondi Boys & Babes Motor Club is a criminal motor club operating out of Vespucci Beach in Los Santos. The Grove Street Families (a. Ben Casanova is a character role-played by NovalokHD. TBA Jinx is known for her erratic shifts in mood, frequently swapping between the soft-spoken, uplifting 'uwu' girl many have learned to hate and the brazen, egotistical brat that others have learned to love. But sadly this isnt an actual gang more like a group of friends who fuck around and have fun. Fleeing from her hometown in the South-West of London, England, Hailey Hamilton sought refuge in Green county. ' PURPLE COUNTY Jaryn & The Mechanics (Purple. While EMS operate out of Simone Memorial Hospital, they are their own department. The best driver in Los Santos. He was born in Nashville, Tennessee, but raised in Minnesota. A that time it made sense for him to go to that gang because of the relationships he's built with them in the. Sabrina Leazy is a character role-played by kcivicx. They operate. Bris Bane is a character played by tulatula24. Wears mainly black. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Can Di buys his second actual car, the Bravado Banshee. That gives her special abilities such as speed hacking and strength. One of those employees was Chris Fox, also known as Cooking Class, the current leader of the Meth team and the lead cook. She always wears her dark green hair in a single braid along the back and sports a mask that covers the lower part of her features. Sabrina Leazy was born in the full moon's light in the Appalachian mountains on a chilly March night. ViviesseDiamond 3. Boom Aaliyah Court Aaron Alexander Aaron Byson Aaron Flocko Aaron James Aaron Johnson Aaron Melarky Aaron Slavin Abathar Muzania Abby Brooks Abdul Abadi Abdul AlRahim Abduleon Romanov Abe Ridge Abe Tigotura Abe Vaughn Overview Other Information History Relationships Crimes & Heists Jean Paul High Roller Killer Bunny Joker Poker Anubis Tacti-Rat OG Status Active (Semi-Hiatus) Aliases X JP Mr. in 2019 he served in India and was part of a Medical Hospital till. Daniel Frost is a character role-played by AinsYH. WIP Peach is a 19-year-old female identifiable by her red hair in either a double bun or single bun. Andrew's third bicycle, but only one currently in Green County. Dispatch Trainee 3. NoPixel Public Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Christina Mugler is BARBIE?? ♥ GTA RP ♥ NoPixel Public ♥. Bullet are High Command. Lang Buddha is a Ranger for the San Andreas State Park Rangers, Badge #223. The UwU gang was formed originally as an all girl joke gang with the allowance of three boys that were all agreed on by the three OGS. Can Di and his friend Akira Ying go on an expedition to venture the unknown seas stretching beyond Los Santos. Grand Theft Auto V. Gangless. Gulag Gang. The San Andreas State Police, along with the Los Santos Police Department and the Blaine County Sheriff's Office and the San Andreas State Park Rangers, makes up the executive branch of Los Santos; together they ensure that the law is upheld and enforced. Burger Shot is the food of choice in Los Santos. Overview Members History Streams Gulag Gang Specifics Status Active Date Formed June 8, 2021 (Public) October 26, 2021 (Whitelist) Affiliations Public Server Equivalent Gulag Gang Primary Location Strawberry Ave Gas Station ( X-Mart) Gulag St Apartments Faction Association (s) O Block VCB Business Affiliations Gulag Enterprises X-Mart Category:Police | NoPixel Wiki | Fandom 9,104 pages Explore Popular pages Community Related Wikis Register in: Browse, Departments Police Category page Sign in to edit Police This is the category for characters who are police officers. She has long pink hair and pink lipstick. This is a joint division where the LSPD and BCSO work together to train the police officers of tomorrow. She's often been described by others as sassy or rebellious. The Order is a group of street crooks brought together by their ambitions and aspirations to get rich by any means necessary. The Los Santos Police Dispatch is in partnership, and works under, the Los Santos Police Department, Blaine County Sheriff's Office, San Andreas State Police, and Emergency Medical Services; enforcing the laws and saving lives through specialization in communications. Benjamin Peppers is a Trooper for the San Andreas State Police, Badge #234. She was kicked out of her home at 16 years old and found refuge with a misfit crew of street racers. Leah Strong is a character role-played by Lovinurstyle. NoPixel Red Dead; in: Browse, Departments. Hailey Hamilton is a character role-played by hayley_corinne. Jimbo Sutton is a character role-played by Zimboobwe. There then were two different meth groups that combined. On her second day in the city. With the desire to make money fast and a craving for thrilling chases, Ivan is a criminal with most unorthodox habits. Cade McCoy is a former Vice City PD Detective and ex-con who is now currently an outlaw biker. Ramee El-Rahman is a OG of the infamous Bowl Cut Gang. Violet Brooke Pearce-Morningstar is a character roleplayed by Osha Violet Brooke Pearce-Morningstar is a Deputy for the Paleto Bay Sheriff's Office, Badge number #346. Club 57 Wiki. Born in Wainwright Alaska, Willow lived with her parents and twin sister for only the first twelve years of her life until the man she thought was her father left her out in the Alaskan wilderness. " In order to establish the Azteca as a dominant street gang, Navarro and Lopez recruited warriors, including. TJ Pinkerton first joined the NoPixel Community in 2020 as a viewer but started playing as Suhkdeep Fuhkar once the public servers released in 2021. Copper’s partner in crime and best friend is Trooper Jackie Snow. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Heart Stopper Burger The Bleeder Burger Torpedo Sandwich Money Shot Burger Meat Free Burger Donuts (marketed as Rimjobs) Apple. The idea of role-play is to talk, act, and proceed as the character you are playing. When you edit the wiki,. Goon Squad. Robbie "RobDog" Webb is a character role-played by robja_ Robbie is a 24 year old from the United Kingdom, landed in the city of Los Santos in the year 2021. FAQ. The Major Crimes Division is the current investigative division for the Los Santos police force. Liesel Lawst is. Marina Charlotte Russo was born in Algonquin, Liberty City to an Italian father named Vincent and a British mother named Eleanor. Do not add false/irrelevant OOC info to character pages. Their sprays start off in Blue Cage and spread to lower Rockford Hills. The rank of Trooper is officially equal to. For Gulag Gang's White-list members click here. She was brought up with deep southern roots and spiritual ties to nature. Prior to the PD Restructure in March 2023, Snow was a Trooper Lieutenant for the San Andreas State Police, Badge #205. Jaryn Holt. Recycling Cartel has gathered trusted grinders to buy materials off of them and sell. While some members. Austin Bean is a Senior Deputy for the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Badge #353. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Saif Neon ex-Military Doctor retired as a Major in Military services of Pakistan in 2003. Ivan Blackheart is a criminal currently affiliated with the Angels, a local gang of weapons traffickers within Los Santos. SEASIDE takes P. The gang was formed when multiple members from a former gang were unhappy with the leadership and decided to create something for themselves. Jack Goose was a reporter for LSBN, specializing in paranormal investigation, and is the owner of Tortgua Trading Co. Cheshire is genuinely calm and logical when. Members are known for wearing green clothing, and often drive green vehicles. Kayn Larp is a Solo Cadet (?) for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #666. NoPixel Public Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ruby York is the Assistant Chief for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #441. The Families live in the Northern Rancho area, which is where they claim their gang territory. NoPixel Public Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Fawn "Jessica" Knights is played by DecafteDrinks Fawn is a resident of Green county she was commonly seen with deer antlers and a wide variety of jean jackets and or bikini tops, But now she is seen wearing a leather jacket and or The lost MC kutte with the prospect patch on the back. The family is known for the colour orange in the southside, and their members are known for wearing orange clothing, and drive orange vehicles. The server is run on the third-party multiplayer server system, FiveM. Saif Neon is played by SaifNeon Dr. Vinny Pistone is a character role-played by shotz. Carmela Corsette is a character role-played by Carmen . Aleksander Sazkaljovich is a character role-played by MoboKing Aleksander Sazkaljovich is a Trooper for the San Andreas State Police, Badge #260. Jodie Meowington is a character played by Lividra . Ashley Harper was born in 1999 in Portugal, where she grew up most of her childhood. Her ADHD can cause her to be somewhat chaotic, getting. Jean Paul is a character role-played by xQc. NoPixel Public Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Check out the NoPixel Community Discord community on Discord - hang out with 100320 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat. Lucky Thompson is the Leader of The Families in Orange County. Grayson O'Neill is a character role-played by Rev OReilly. Maisy Graves is a Corporal for the Los Santos Police Department, Badge #444. Venus Fly Traps/Members. Jing Mingtai is renowned within the Los Santos Police Department for his unique look and personality. Ming was able to his profound amount of skill to X and showed how he can escape the police with ease. Erin Cox is a Deputy for the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Badge #369. She previously worked at Harmony Repairs Garage as a Mechanic and at Burger Shot as a Runner. NoPixel Public Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Back In Blood also known as "BIB" was formed by Justice Severide. They operate out of the Barrio, based in the Jamestown area of Rancho. The Lost compound is located in the trailer park near Sandy Shores known as Stab City, in Blaine County. NoPixel Public Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. After 3 days in the city, Mario. They are said to be the largest Hispanic street gang in Los Santos. Officer 14. Luke Spearman is a character role-played by MCFixer Fixer was raised by a single mother and distant father on a council estate (the projects) in South East London, England. Violet is known by her friends for her shyness, kindness, and willingness to sit down and listen to any of her friends and help them as much as.